OSX terminal tricks
1. Pop up a message in the Finder osascript -e ‘tell app "Finder" to display dialog "Hello World"‘
1. Pop up a message in the Finder osascript -e ‘tell app "Finder" to display dialog "Hello World"‘
spent most of my weekends this summer exploring the Columbia River Gorge. Here are some of my favorite places I visited.
As a kid, I thought it would be awesome to own a smart home. In 2009, I decided to make that dream a reality and started on the project. For the past three y...
I recently converted my old desk into a standing desk. I did this because of back pain from sitting for long hours studying, because I felt that it would mak...
I attended an excellent webinar on Google Analytics the other day hosted by Niel Robertson and Anna Sawyer from Trada. I’ve been using some metrics in my cus...
I was looking for a new apartment for when I go back to school, and wanted a listing of all apartments in the area. Thankfully, someone had already mapped ou...
With prices falling on hosting costs and Google placing more SEO value on site load speed, Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are rapidly becoming more re...
I love Adwords Editor, but I hate logging in every time I use it because my password is so long that I have to open a browser, log in to Lastpass, copy my pa...
Original Problem: My ISP is fast but they limit my monthly bandwidth.
Thanks to an excellent post on Digital Inspiration, dozens of people (myself included) have set up proxy servers on their Google Apps developer accounts that...