Origin of the command key symbol in OSX
The “⌘” symbol (the “Looped square”) was chosen after Steve Jobs decided that the use of the Apple logo in the menu system (where the keyboard shortcuts a...
The “⌘” symbol (the “Looped square”) was chosen after Steve Jobs decided that the use of the Apple logo in the menu system (where the keyboard shortcuts a...
I’ve been writing Selenium tests for work lately and got tripped up recently on an element that had id “#1_ul.” Selenium kept throwing an error that the sele...
I discovered a handy git command on accident recently that allows you to cherry-pick the most recent commit to a repo. It’s as easy as:
This is a pretty funny/interesting story that I heard on the Security Now podcast earlier today. This wannabe vigilante drove around for 2 years on the highw...
I was in need of a tool to test out some XPath selectors for the Selenium framework I’m using as part of a project I’m working on, when I stumbled upon FireF...
We use a lot of abbreviations in this field. I’ve started this post as a way of keeping track of all of them.
You can use the terminal on OSX to generate a pop-up alert. Simply enter:
There are several things you can do with iTunes in the OSX terminal.
You can add a custom search engine to Chrome that you can activate with a keyword. Just replace the query string parameter in the URL with “\%s” and Chrome w...
You can search by parameter in the OSX Finder’s Spotlight Search.