Python class for TriMet train arrivals
I wanted a Bash alias that would output the time remaining until the next Eastbound train at the stop near my apartment. I created a Python class to get this data that I could implement in a script. This class takes as parameters your TriMet API key and the ID of the stop. To obtain a TriMet API key, visit
The data that the API returns is documented here:
import urllib2
import json
import datetime
import math
class NextTrain:
def __init__(self, stopID, apiKey):
self.__stopID = stopID
self.__apiKey = apiKey
def printNextArrival(self):
base_url = ""
response = urllib2.urlopen(base_url + "locIDs=" + str(self.__stopID) + "&appID=" + self.__apiKey + "&json=true")
data =
jsonData = json.loads(data)
direction = jsonData["resultSet"]["location"][0]["dir"]
firstResult = jsonData["resultSet"]["arrival"][0]
station = jsonData["resultSet"]["location"][0]["desc"]
trainType = firstResult["shortSign"]
nextArrivalTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(firstResult["estimated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000-0800")
nowTime =
timeRemaining = nextArrivalTime - nowTime
print "Next " + direction + " train at " + station + ":"
print str(int(math.floor(timeRemaining.total_seconds() / 60))) + " min"
print trainType
Using this class:
apiKey = "yourAPIKey"
stopID = integer_stop_id_here
nextTrain = NextTrain(stopID, apiKey)